Price varies according to the training received. 

LEVEL 1.  Week 10  $4000.

    1    Potty trained 

    2    Introduced to crate 

    3    Learning patience before meal time

    4    Learning Basics for come, sit, stay

    5    Learning to walk nicely on a leash. 

 LEVEL 2.  12 weeks old $4400. 

    1    Potty trained 

    2    Crate time 

    3    Come

    4    Sit

    5    Stay

    6    Down

    7    They learn “Place” This is a place where they go to sit and wait for a come command. 

    8    They learn “Sit and Wait” This is done while they are on a walk and they learn to sit and wait until you release them. They learn to sit and wait at the door until you give them the OK. This is for their own safety so they don’t dart out when you open the door.

    9    They walk nicely on a leash. They learn not to pull during a walk. 

LEVEL 3.  14 Weeks old $4800. 

    1    Everything above for the 12 weeks training 

    2    They learn “Place” This is where they sit or lie on their bed and stay in place until they are told it is OK to get up. People enter and leave 

        the front door while waiting in “place”

    3    They willingly go in and out of the crate on command and sit before entry and sit before coming out. 

LEVEL 4.  16 Weeks old $5200. 

    1    Proficient at 13 weeks training.